
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Blepharoplasty is the name for an entire family of eyelid surgery. Any one operation may include several components designed to restore what time and gravity have taken away. Modern blepharoplasty has expanded well beyond conventional boundaries. Forehead lifts, facelifts, and blepharoplasty have evolved to manage codependent problems.

As the aging face sags, certain aspects may stand out and bother you more. However, when concerned about the eyelids, other facial feature may play a significant role and should be considered. When other facial features are part of the problem, cosmetic eye surgery sometimes is done in part through access from the face. Sometimes facial surgery is partly done through eyelid access.
Eyebrow position is very important when considering the upper lids. As the forehead sags, it affects the upper eyelids. Setting the brow position first helps determine if tissues are redundant and cosmetic eye surgery appropriate.

Different pages here will introduce you to who will benefit from this surgery, eyelid bags, risks, what happens during the operation, aftercare, and healing.

Eyes are a prominent feature of your face. They have been called the “gateway to the soul”. The globes themselves are expressionless. The eyelids and the surrounding skin and muscles express our emotions. Their appearance and movement attract constant attention. Age can show during animation and at rest. Blepharoplasty is a series of different operations for reshaping and adjusting the lids for both cosmetic and functional problems.

The eyelids protect your eyes. The outer covering is skin, the inner layer is lined with mucosa. Muscles close and open the lids. The tarsal plate made of cartilage provides the support for each lid edge. Glands in the lids add some of the secretions to lubricate the eye. Eyelashes also help shield the eye. There is a delicate balance between the different components.

If your eyelids look old, you will look old. As the lids age, the skin wrinkles, becoming redundant, and less opaque. Wrinkles can be only over the lids or extend beyond the eyes to become “crow’s feet”. Redundant skin on the upper eyelids can become so excessive as to hang beyond the lashes obscuring vision. The extra weight can make it difficult to open your eyes.

As the eyelid muscles and skin age, they sag, creating bulges. Appearance can sometimes be improved by removing some of the fat behind the muscles and or redraping the muscles.

Listino prezzi servizi

Trapianto di capelli Price
Meno di 1.000 trapianti 2,500 USD
Vagina Price
Riparazione posteriore 3,000 USD
Vaginoplastica "Tecnica Colon sigmoideo” (intervento secondario per allungare il 12,000 USD
Riduzione Labioplastica 2,500 USD
Labbro e Rinoplastica Price
Chirurgia per Labbro leporino 2,500 USD
Riparazione di palato 2,500 USD
Ristrutturazione volumetrica del labbro 1,500 USD
Rinoplastica con impianto ePiallatura dell'osso nasale 2,500 USD
Correzione delle rughe Price
Botox: zampe di gallina, fronte eglabella per bottle: 650 USD
Iniezione di Restylane per syringe: 650 USD
Iniezione di Perlane per syringe: 650 USD
Naso Price
Rinoplastica Aumentata senza Piallatura 1,500 USD
Rinoplastica Aumentata con Piallatura 2,500 USD
Alaplasty (equilibrio di punta del naso) 1,200 USD
Correzione della gobba su naso 2,500 USD
Piallatura o la ricostruzione 3,500 USD
Viso Price
Il lifting del viso (Face lift) (zona zigomi, zona guance, parte laterale del guanciale ed il collo) 4,900 USD
Lifting di Fronte o sopracciglio via endoscopia 3,500 USD
Lifting medio facciale 3,900 USD
Lifting Collo 3,000 USD
Mento Price
Mento aumentato 2,500 USD
Spostamento del mento (Spostamento l'osso della mascella) 3,500 USD
Chirurgia delle palpebre Price
Doppia palpebra 1,500 USD
Blefaroplastica superiore 1,500 USD
Blefaroplastica inferiore 1,900 USD
Chirurgia del seno Price
Aumento del seno 3,200 USD
Riduzione del seno 4,900 USD
Sollevamento del seno 4,500 USD
Addome (addominoplastica) Price
Lipectomia addominale (addominoplastica o la chirurgia plastica addominale) 4,700 USD
Orecchio Price
Orecchie a sventola 2,500 USD
Mandibola (chirurgia mascella) Price
Resezione di angolo 3,500 USD
Iniezioni di Botox per ridurre i muscoli della mascella su entrambi i lati per bottle: 650 USD
Liposuzione Price
Primo punto 1,900 USD
Punto seguente 700 USD
Intervento di riassegnazione del sesso Price
Vaginoplastica "Tecnica Scrotal Graft" (Innesto Cutaneo Scrotale) 10,000 USD
Vaginoplastica "Tecnica Colon sigmoideo” 15,500 USD
Ingrandimento della natica o dell'anca 4,700 USD
Guancia Price
Creazione fossette 1,500 USD per side
Impianti zigomi 3,000 USD
Riduzione zigomi 3,500 USD
Pomo d'Adamo Price
Riduzione Pomo D’Adamo 1,900 USD