Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck Surgery) At Bangkok Plastic Surgery

Abdominoplasty as known more commonly as a “tummy tuck surgery,” is a major surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The complete procedure is comprehensive and it is beneficial for a patient who wants to tighten a protruding or sagging abdomen. The procedure is particularly helpful to women who, through multiple pregnancies, have stretched their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal. Overall, Abdominoplasty is designed to give you a smoother, flatter stomach and a sleeker, sexier shape.


The surgeon makes a long incision across the abdomen, running from hip bone to hip bone and right above the pubic area. Through this incision, the surgeon is able to trim and retighten the abdominal muscles, while also removing excess skin and fatty tissue. These muscles can be tightened by drawing them in together and stitching them into position. Lastly, the incisions will be stitched together and dressings applied. Depending on the amount of fat removal needed, liposuction may be used for a less invasive removal.


Following Abdominoplasty procedures, most patients have mild to moderate discomfort the first 48-72 hours which decreases rapidly thereafter. The results of the operation will be visible right away. Your abdomen will feel tighter as the result of its new, tighter shape over 1-3 weeks.


The good candidates for Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck operation) are men or women in good health and relatively good shape, but are bothered by a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin that won’t respond to exercise. It is especially effective for those with a localized fullness within the lower abdomen that can be easily removed through the smaller incision. Also good health and realistic expectations of patient for the results of the operation are very important.


At Bangkok Plastic Surgery, Dr. Pichet and his highly skilled team can facilitate your needs and requirements in a professional, welcoming environment with highly experienced cosmetic surgeons. Dr. Pichet has performed many Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck surgery) procedures, helping numerous patients enhance both their appearance and self-esteem. He will discuss your medical history and lifestyle with you in order to determine whether a tummy tuck is the right procedure for you. Moreover, with our latest techniques and world-leading expertise at Bangkok Plastic Surgery, we assure to help you find a greater sense of wellbeing.